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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Facebook Scam

With so much social networking going around hackers eventually have to target facebook in one way or another. It's happened with myspace so now facebook is now under fire.

Social engineering is when a hacker compromises someones user account and then poses as this person to gain information or to get some type of financial information.

If your a facebook follower check the link below. It talks about how hackers use a virus that uploads onto your computer and then posts on your friends list a message to spread itself onto other computers.

anyway I'm tired so I just though Id share this with you.

Goodnight and stay safe. Remember if you get a message in your email box to click on a link for a facebook user, open a new window and login as you normally do.

This way if its a real message you will know it is someone you know who is trying to add you verses a phishing email.

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