Yesterday I attended in San Antonio the Get Motivated seminar at the ATT center. Its basically gets some well known people such as Colin Powell, HP former vice president, and one of our very own San Antonio Spurs. They gave outstanding speeches and worth seeing. That being said they move onto another speaker which if your not really paying attention you think its a motivational speech but it turns into a sales pitch. The speaker I was referring to is a represenative from Wealth Magazine Investools. From time to time you will see an infomercial on them on the weekends or late at night.
There was this one guy who talked about investing strategies and went through Warren Buffetts methods of using the stock market to make money. Good information at first but it smelled all to fishy when the presenter starts telling the audience you need a certain analytic tool to make wise decisions in the stock market. (You would think if all stock brokers had this tool the market would of not have crashed right)
Towards the end he tells everyone these tools are worth $3000 dollars.The presenter then tells his audience that he was able to talk investools to lower their price to 99 dollars for 2 days of training plus you get a dvd video of other training.
Now he tells you that the deal will only last during the presentation meaning it won't give you time to research the investment tools program to see weather the program is what worth purchasing.
Sounds good for the price but from what I have been reading there has been many disappointments with the program after the 2 days of the investment tools program. It seems more of more sales pressure to buy more and more training more tools so in those two days your really not learning anything but hype and more sales pitch.
If you don't believe me here are what other people are saying on this website. After all the dreams of making the big money I was left wondering why so many people signed up without thinking about it and doing their research. I mean if you know how to do stocks then I'm sure this program is good for you but if your not I would not suggest this program unless you have the money to fork out.
Bottom line if your thinking of doing this as a business and have little to invest in then the program may not be for you. If you got money to blow on a 1000 to 4000 dollar program then go for it.
Its buy or beware.With that much money I would just open an account with sharebuilder and buy some index stocks and be done with it.
Here are what others have said about their experiences.